Follow Up after Ovarian Cancer Treatment

  • History and Physical Examination by Surgeon every 1-4 months (Average 3 monthly)
  • CA -125 &/or HE4 on each visit.
  • S.LDH, Beta hCG, AFP on each visit in Germ cell tumors of ovary.
  • S. Inhibin on each visit in sex cord stromal tumors of ovary.
  • Routine Investigation as advised
  • Lifestyle Changes, Physical activity & Exercise assessment
  • Comorbidity Assessment
  • Ultrasound abdomen or imaging as advised by oncologist.
  • Other cancer screening and genetic counselling as recommendations
  • History and Physical Examination by Surgeon every 6 months or shorter interval in high risk and advance cases
  • CA -125 &/or HE4 on each visit.
  • S.LDH, Beta hCG, AFP on each visit in Germ cell tumors of ovary.
  • S. Inhibin on each visit in sex cord stromal tumors of ovary.
  • Routine Investigation as advised
  • Lifestyle changes advise
  • Comorbidity Assessment
  • Ultrasound abdomen or imaging as advised.
  • Other cancer screening as recommendations
  • History and Physical Examination by Surgeon once in a year
  • CA -125 &/or HE4 on each visit.
  • S.LDH, Beta hCG, AFP on each visit in Germ cell tumors of ovary.
  • S. Inhibin on each visit in sex cord stromal tumors of ovary.
  • Routine Investigation as advised
  • Lifestyle Changes and Physical Exercise Advise
  • Comorbidity Assessment
  • Ultrasound Abdomen or Imaging as advised
  • Other cancer screening as recommendations
No Symptoms

Follow Routine Followup Plan

  • Visit  Oncologist
  • Investigations as per symptoms
  • Biopsy & PET CECT may be advised as per clinical findings
No Family History

Follow Routine Followup Plan

  • Genetic counselling/ Hereditary Breast and Ovarian cancer (BRCA) testing
  • MRI Breast mammography in Followup
  • Ultrasound Abdomen (other Imaging) & CA 125/ HE4.
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