Vaccination, Screening and Early treatment are effective ways to eradicate cervix cancer

Steps to Eradicate Cervix Cancer the 3rd most common cause of cancer mortality

The Problem: Present Scenario Cervix cancer is a preventable and curable disease, but it still affects millions of women around the world, especially in low- and middle-income countries. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), cervix cancer is the fourth most common form of cancer among women worldwide In India, cervix cancer is the second most common cancer among women. It accounts for about 17% of all cancer deaths. Globally 21% of all cases and 23% of all deaths related to cervix cancer occur in India. Study Link This accounts for highest no of cervix cancer cases in India. News Link This also accounts that India records 1 in 5 cases of carcinoma cervix. News Link Is is possible to eradicate cervix cancer from the world? Cervix cancer is cancer which can be eliminated largely from world. There are hopes of eliminating this cancer because in >90% of cases it is caused by a virus called human papilloma virus (HPV). It is a sexually transmitted virus and grow more rapidly in unhygienic conditions and when body immunity is low. It may take upto 5 years to develop precancer changes in cervix cancer cells infected by HPV and around 10-15 years to develop cancer. So there is a lot of time to adopt right screening and right treatment even before development of cancer. “Cervical Cancer, a Prevention Success Story” by DES Daughter is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 Step 1: HPV Vaccination Vaccine is available to prevent cervix cancer and this vaccine develop immunity against human papilloma virus.  WHO advise to vaccinate > 90% girls before 15 years. It is advisable to take two doses of cervix cancer vaccine between age 9-14 years and three doses between age 15-26 years This vaccination strategy is effective in prevention of cervical cancer precancer changes in >95% cases. Step 2: Pap/ Pap HPV cervix cancer screening Most affordable method and has shown decrease in mortality rate of cervix cancer by >30%. Despite of available of cost effective method there is significant underutilization. Starting from 21 or 30 years and upto 65 years, every healthy female should do their screening test. Conventional pap smear cost around 300-500 INR and is done every 3 years. Pap with HPV DNA costs around 3000-4000 INR and is done every 5 years. Apart from this; one even more affordable method is Visual Inspection under Acetic acid. WHO advise to screen >70% females by age of 35 years and again by 45 years of age using high performing test.                           “every healthy female and family should be aware that with an easily affordable test lacs of treatment cost can be avoided.” “Prevent Cervical Cancer Infographic” by DES Daughter is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 Step 3: Early treatment is best cure Women detected with precancer lesions should undergo appropriate surgical treatment. It does not mean than every time they should undergo removal of uterus. In many cases it is possible to save uterus also and so adequate treatment of precancer changes depending upon their grade. Every attempt should be made to detect cervix cancer in early stages. Surgery in early stage translated into better cure. Advance case should also receive appropriated treatment. Contributing factors:                           “With these three strong pillars and advised strategy of 90–70–90 by WHO, it is possible to eliminate the cervical cancer.” Cervix cancer is not inevitable. It can be prevented, detected early, and treated effectively. Together, we can make history and eliminate cervix cancer as a public health problem.  To know about WHO initiatives for cervix cancer elimination:     To Know more about cervix cancer: Click here Link to article on the health site Read here Related Video

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Lung Cancer: How to prevent no.1 killer cancer

The Problem: Present Scenario Lung cancer is most common cause of cancer related deaths, and it is the second most commonly diagnosed cancer worldwide with approximately 22 lakh new cases and 17.9 lakh deaths in 2020. Lung cancer is no 1 cause of cancer mortality, yet it is largely possible to prevent and eradicate lung cancer. Can We do That? Contributing factors: Smoking is by far the leading cause of lung cancer, accounting for approximately 80% to 90% of cases. There is 20-fold increase in lung cancer risk in smokers compared to nonsmokers. Environmental tobacco smoke (ETS), also known as second-hand smoking: The risk for lung cancer is increased in nonsmokers who live with smokers, and it has been estimated that approximately 17% of lung cancers among never-smokers may be attributed to high levels of ETS during childhood and adolescence. Radon gas/ Indoor air pollution: Do you know that gas inside your home can be a risk factor for lung cancer development. Western data suggests Radon Gas as second leading cause of lung cancer. Radon is a gas formed from decaying of soil. It is present in buildings and is a contributor of indoor air pollution. Pollution: In India we don’t have data on radon indoor pollution, but we have an increasing and rising problem of Air Pollution. PM 2.5 is particulate matter in environmental air less than 2.5 micrometer. PM 2.5 excess can promote lung cancer. Sources includes construction sites, unpaved roads, fields fires, pollutants emitted from thermal power plants, industries and automobiles.             Pollution is contributor of 1 in 10 cases of lung cancer.  air pollution includes combustion coal and wood for heating and cooking. Occupations with exposure to asbestos. Exposure to high doses of ionizing radiation. Prevention: What can we do? We have understood that most causes of lung cancer are related to the environment around us, so it is possible to decrease these causes and it requires effort at Individual, Society and National level.  Avoid tobacco in any form, smoking/ chewing gutka/ hukka. Take every step to decrease air pollution. Increase green cover. Seal the cracks in building, open windows for cross ventilation, use indoor plants and air purifiers when required. Screening- Low Dose CT scan: Despite promising result and easy availability; acceptance for screening of lung cancer is very low around 2%. Early dtection is best cure and best prevention when it is in regard to cancer.                         “Till we regularize policy for tobacco, till we regularize policies for construction and building, till we regularize policies for pollution, its not possible to eradicate lung cancer” In short,                           “ When a human first think that his action is not harming mother earth. When he thinks that his actions are not harming another human, only then it is possible to eliminate this fatal disease.” To Know more about Lung Cancer: Click here

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Breast Cancer Survivors

Rising Incidence of breast cancer and the Need for Awareness

The Problem: Present Scenario Breast cancer is a significant health concern for women around the world, with alarming statistics that emphasize the importance of early detection and awareness. In India, the situation is particularly critical, with a high incidence rate and a startling number of lives lost to this disease. Some of important statistical fact about breast cancer are: Every 4 Minutes, a Woman is Diagnosed with Breast Cancer globally. A Woman Loses Her Life Every 8 Minutes because of breast cancer. For Every 2 Women Diagnosed, 1 die because of it. Each year, India witnesses a distressing 1.78 lakh new cases and 90,000 deaths because of breast cancer. Highest Age-Adjusted Rates in Delhi Breast Cancer Accounts for 13.5% of All Cancer Cases and 10.65% of all cancer related deaths. The Risk of Breast Cancer for a female is 2.8. American cancer society reported that chances of a woman being diagnosed with breast cancer are 1 in 8. However, in India, the risk is 1 in 28 women. While the risk is lower in India, the sheer population size means that the absolute number of cases is very high. More than 50% of breast cancer cases in India are diagnosed in stages 3 and 4. More cases are being reported in younger population in India. Contributing factors: We must understand that breast cancer is a multifactorial disease which means most of the times multiple causes are responsible rather than a single cause. Apart from non-modifiable factors like age, gender, genetics, many modifiable factors are playing increasing role for rising incidences of breast cancer. Fast Food culture: a diet consisting of highly processes food like pizza, burger etc and along with high sugar beverages is a commonly prevalent health hazard in today’s corporate culture. High Fat and low fiber diet: consumption of high fat leads to obesity which is a known risk factor for breast cancer                           “a properly cooked whole grain paratha is healthier than a pizza”                           “do not run behind a particular food but eat a balanced healthy diet” Processed meat and red meat: contain n nitroso chemicals which are known carcinogens. Alcohol: even in moderate amount is linked with cancer. Binge watching:  excessive screen time because of binge watching leads to physical inactivity.                         “ a real life should have more real time for family, friend & outdoor rather than excessive reel time” Obesity: Body mass index above 30 is obesity. Overweight and obesity are associated with 15-20% of cancer related deaths. A healthy practice should be adopted to maintain ideal body weight.                           “ a healthy body doesn’t mean six packs but strong enough to do daily activities with full energy and happy mind” Late marriage and late age of first pregnancy: first pregnancy before age of 30 years and breast feeding are protective factors for breast cancer. Prevention: What can we do? Healthy balanced diet: Daily calories 2000-3000. 45% – 55% from carbohydrates, 25-30% from proteins, 15-30% from fat. Protein requirement 1g/Kg/day. 400g of fresh/ vegetables per day. Encourage intake of Fibers and plant based diet.    Daily Physical activity: One minute of moderate-intensity physical activity provides seven minutes of additional life. Regular exercise reduces risk of cancer by 10-20% 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity physical 75 minutes of vigorous exercise per week or 30min of exercise daily for a at least 5day in a week. Avoid Alcohol/ tobacco Screening: Breast Self-examination once a month and clinical breast examination Mammography: bilateral breast mammography every 2 yearly starting at age of 40- 50 years is very helpful in early detection and early treatment. Rising incidence of breast cancer in India is a grave concern. The statistics presented here underscore the pressing need for increased awareness, early detection, and improved access to healthcare services. It is imperative that we collectively work towards reducing the burden of breast cancer in Indian women and society. Early detection can save lives, and spreading awareness is the first step towards achieving this goal. To Know more about breast cancer: Click here

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Extreme Measures: When swelling in neck lymph node is more dangerous than origin site of cancer.

45 years male diagnosed as case of carcinoma Hard palate. Cytology was suggestive of malignant cells, keratinizing squamous cell ca. His CECT Neck revealed right side palate lesion in posterior part with irregular soft tissue thickening 1.7×1.3×0.8 cm with mild extension into anterior part soft palate ? Mitotic. He received 3 cycles of chemotherapy and no further treatment. After 8 months he had right side neck lymph node. He was treated with Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy. There was persistent residual neck node in right side neck Considering short time interval from radiation therapy and large size of lymph node he received further chemotherapy. His PET CT later on show right neck node decrease in metabolic activity There were some very difficulty challenges in this case Right Level II Neck Node – reaching upto Skull Base Distal Control of Internal Carotid artery not possible Ballon testing to occlude internal carotid artery is option – hesitant in post radiation setting and later interpretation. Apart from Surgery, no other curative option left. So, with thorough understanding an innovative approach was planned for this case. * INTERNAL CAROTID ARTERY STENTING was done. Following which he was kept on blood thinner and metronomic chemotherapy  for 8 weeks. After which he underwent definitive Surgery. He underwent Surgery: Right radical Neck Dissection + External Carotid Artery excision + Internal jugular vein excision + Pectoralis Major Myocutaneous Flap. Lower division of facial nerve identified and saved with excision of cervical branch and lower parotid gland. Internal Carotid artery and Vagus nerve were saved. Patient was discharged in time. Difficult scenario in advance cancer patients sometimes requires extreme measures in safe manner for cure and successful outcome.

Extreme Measures: When swelling in neck lymph node is more dangerous than origin site of cancer. Read More »

Balanced Diet for cancer prevention and cancer patients

Nutrition for Cancer Patients

For most people, a healthy diet plan includes Lots of fruits, vegetables, and whole-grain bread and cereals, Modest amounts of meat and milk products, and Small amounts of fat, sugar, alcohol, and salt. When you have cancer, though, you need to eat to keep up your strength to deal with the side effects of treatment. When you are healthy, eating enough food is often not a problem. But when you are dealing with cancer and treatment, this can be a real challenge, here comes the role of a good Oncologist.Also we’re dealing with this pandemic so it becomes very important for the cancer patients to take care of their diet. Cancer Patients and Covid Vaccine is yet another topic among the Oncologists & the cancer patients. You can also contact the Best Medical Oncologist in Gurgaon to clear up your doubts regarding the covid care during Cancer treatment. When you have cancer, you may need extra protein and calories. At times, your diet may need to include extra milk, cheese, and eggs. If you have trouble chewing and swallowing, you may need to add sauces and gravies. The accumulation of cholesterol in cancer cells and tumor tissue promotes cell growth proliferation and migration as well as tumor progression. A lowering cholesterol Rich Diet will reduce the progression of cancer. A dietitian can help you with a diet meal planner, changes you may need to make. Dr Kaushal Yadav, among best Oncologist in Gurgaon, provide a properly customized diet plan for each patient to ensure the best results! How to get more fiber in Your ANTI-CANCER DIET? According to the American Institute for Cancer Research, plant-based foods high in dietary fiber may reduce the risk of cancer. Be sure to increase your fiber intake gradually. Adding large amounts of fiber to your diet too quickly can cause discomfort or gas. Instead, try adding a little more fiber to each meal by including a piece of fruit or switching processed or refined grains for whole grains. Even the best oncologist in Gurgaon suggests to have a good amount of fibre in the diet for cancer patients. Side Effects from Cancer Treatment Can Lead to Eating Problems Cancer treatments are designed to kill cancer cells. But these treatments can also damage healthy cells. Damage to healthy cells can cause side effects that lead to eating problems. Common eating problems during cancer treatment include appetite loss, Nausea, changes in sense of taste or smell, sore mouth, constipation, sore throat and trouble swallowing, weight gain, weight loss, lactose intolerance, and many others. Some people have appetite loss or nausea because they are stressed about cancer and treatment. But once people know what to expect, they often feel better. Ways to Get the Most from Foods and Drinks – According to the Best Oncologist in Gurgaon During treatment, you may have good days and bad days when it comes to food. Eat plenty of protein and calories when you can. This helps you keep up your strength and helps rebuild tissues harmed by cancer treatment. Eat when you have the biggest appetite. For many people, this is in the morning. You might want to eat a bigger meal early in the day and drink liquid meal replacements later on. It’s okay if you feel like you can’t eat a lot of different foods. Eat the foods that sound good until you are able to eat more, even if it’s the same thing again and again. You might also drink liquid meal replacements for extra nutrition. Do not worry if you cannot eat at all some days. Spend this time finding other ways to feel better and start eating when you can. Tell your doctor if you cannot eat for more than 2 days. Drink plenty of liquids. It is even more important to get plenty to drink on days when you cannot eat. Drinking a lot helps your body get the liquid it needs. Most adults should drink 8 to 12 cups of liquid a day. You may find this easier to do if you keep a water bottle nearby. Does Sugar feed Cancer? It’s true that sugar feeds every cell in our body even cancer cells. But, research shows that eating sugar doesn’t necessarily lead to cancer. It’s what sugar does to your waistline that can lead to cancer. Taking in too many sugar calories may result in weight gain. And, being overweight or obese puts you at a higher risk for cancer and other diseases. Nutrition after Cancer Treatment Many Eating Problems Go Away when Treatment Ends Once you finish cancer treatment, many of your eating problems will get better. Some eating problems, such as weight loss and changes in taste or smell, may last longer than your course of treatment. If you had treatment for head and neck cancer or surgery to remove part of your stomach or intestines, then eating problems may always be part of your life. Ways to Return to Healthy Eating While healthy eating by itself cannot keep cancer from coming back, it can help you regain strength, rebuild tissue, and improve how you feel after treatment ends. Here are some ways to eat well after treatment ends: ■ Prepare simple meals that you like and are easy to make. ■ Cook 2 or 3 meals at a time. Freeze the extras to eat later. ■No single food has all the vitamins and nutrients you need. So include some variety! ■ Eat lots of fruits and vegetables, including raw and cooked vegetables, fruits, and fruit juices. These all have vitamins, minerals, and fiber. ■ Eat whole wheat bread, oats, brown rice, or other whole grains and cereals. These foods have needed complex carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and fiber. ■ Add beans, peas, and lentils to your diet and eat them often. Go easy on fat, salt, sugar, alcohol, smoked or pickled foods, and processed meats. ALSO Choose low-fat milk products. Eat small portions (about 6 to 7 ounces each

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Peritoneal Malignancy

Peritoneal Surface Malignancy (HIPEC Surgery) Cytoreductive Surgery (CRS): is a procedure to remove the cancerous tissues from the abdomen. This is a major surgery which removes all visible evidence of disease from the abdomen. It involves removal of disease from peritoneum, omentum and abdominal viscera. This systemic procedure may also involve resection and reanastomosis of part of bowel for complete removal of disease. This adequacy of long cytoreductive surgery is the decisive factor to further proceed with HIPEC. When as many tumors as possible have been removed, a heated, sterilized chemotherapy solution is delivered to the abdomen to penetrate and destroy remaining cancer cells. The solution is 41 to 42 degrees Celsius, about the temperature of a warm bath. It’s circulated throughout the abdomen for approximately 90 minutes. The solution is then drained from the abdomen, and the incision is closed. Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy (HIPEC) is a surgical procedure that’s giving new hope to patients with abdominal cancers. Immediately after removing visible tumors a heated, sterilized highly concentrated dose of chemotherapy solution is circulated inside the abdominal cavity at a temperature of around 42 degree Celsius. The drug penetrate and destroy microscopic cancer cells directly. Advantages of CRS – HIPEC Surgery Deeper penetration of the medicine direcly. Greater effectiveness at killing cancer cells in the abdomen. Allows for high doses of chemotherapy. Enhances and concentrates chemotherapy within the abdomen. Reduces the rest of the body’s exposure to the chemotherapy. Improves chemotherapy absorption and susceptibility of cancer cells. Reduces some chemotherapy side effects.   What Patients should know? Cytoreductive Surgery is a very long and challenging surgery. Depending on site of tumors to be removed, operation can take as many as eight or nine hours, and chemotherapy application takes another two hours. There are requirements of blood products and post surgery ICU care and procedure associated complication rate. Patient may need nutritional support. Cancers Treated by CRS+HIPEC Surgery Colon and rectum cancers with peritoneal metastasis- abdomen only spread. Appendix tumors such as Pseudomyxoma peritonei Low-grade appendiceal mucinous neoplasm ● Advance ovarian cancer with peritoneal metastasis Primary Peritoneal Cancer Peritoneal mesothelioma Desmoplastic small round cell tumors Select cases of endometrial cancers with peritoneal metastases, stomach cancer with peritoneal metastases, and other rarer peritoneal surface malignancies. Request an appointment with expert in HIPEC Surgery You can make an appointment with Dr Kaushal Yadav by:● Scheduling an Online Consultation.● Requesting an online second opinion from our specialists by sharing reports● Writing on email id: arogyamcare123@gmail.comTo speak to someone directly, please call on +91 87505 87489 If you have symptoms of an urgent nature, please go to the emergency room immediately To Book Appointment for Cancer Surgery : Cllick Here FOR CRS – HIPEC SURGERY CONTACT US Got some questions Are colon and rectal cancer the same? Colon cancer can start anywhere in the colon, which is about 5 feet long and absorbs water from the stool. Rectal cancer begins in the rectum, which is the last 12 cm (about 5 inches) of the large intestine. This is where the body defecates until you have a bowel movement. Contact Cancer Surgery clinic Arogyam Care at Gurugram, Delhi NCR or book online appointment for colon and rectal cancer treatment in Gurgaon. How do I get a price estimate for a treatment/procedure? If all relavant examination and investigations has been done than plan of treatment is finalized with colon cancer surgeon After deciding surgical procedure cost estimate can be taken from billing department or hospital. Clinic or hospital department coordinator will assist in case any help required. +918750587489, How can I do colon screenings? you can visit nearby hospital for colonoscopy screening as advised in our screening section or you can read various society guidelines like American cancer society, USPTF.  You can consult us through our online consultation link. What is the survival rate of rectal cancer? Best Doctor for Rectal Cancer in Gurgaon says for rectal cancer, the overall 5-year survival rate for people is 67%. If the cancer is diagnosed locally, the survival rate is 89%. If the cancer has spread to surrounding tissues or organs and / or regional lymph nodes, the 5-year survival rate is 72% Is rectal cancer worse than stomach cancer? It is 10 times more likely to cause stomach cancer than rectal cancer, where it returns after treatment has begun. Stomach cancer has about a 20 percent risk of local recurrence, versus about 2 percent with colon cancer. Contact Dr Kaushal Yadav for Cancer Surgery & for colon and rectal cancer treatment in Gurgaon, Delhi-NCR, India Submit Your Query Here & We’ll Get Back 12 Name Email Id PreviousNext Message Previous Submit Send To Book Appointment for Cancer Surgery : Cllick Here

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No Tobacco Day

Why you should quit smoking?

Tobacco is most common cause of preventable cancer deaths. It kills half of its users, which is more than any other health related ailment Tobacco is responsible for almost 25% of cancer related deaths. Its use increase risk of lung cancer by 25 times. It is responsible for more than 20 types of cancer Tobacco usage increase risk of heart disease upto 4 times. It increases risk of heart attack and stroke. Tobacco usage increase respiratory diseases risk by 13 times. One in five smokers will go on to develop COPD/ asthma. Neurological problems and hearing loss are more common in smokers Smoking reduce fertility Lifelong tobacco use leads to loss of approx. 10 years of life Smokers are more likely to develop diabetes Menopause occurs 1-4 years earlier in smoker females Smoking harms the body immune system and make body more prone to infections

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What are the best treatment options for prostate cancer?

Treatment for prostate cancer- Surgery- Surgery is the treatment of choice if your body is healthy enough to bear its consequences. Doctors go on with this procedure by removing the entire prostate gland and the soft tissue surrounding the area. Every cancerous cell has to be removed to stop the further spread of cancer. Side effects that come with this include bladder problems. However, these issues can be very well prevented when the best oncologist in Gurgaon performs your surgery. Radiation- High energy beams are used in this method to kill the cancerous cells. Radiation therapy is usually chosen when the spread of cancer has not been exceeded. It is also the method of choice when residual cancer cells are to be removed after the surgical procedure. The two kinds of radiation therapy in use are internal and external radiation. Most radiation therapy is beneficial when used in combination with some other treatment options. Hormone therapy- The male hormone testosterone is one of the reasons why prostate cancer cells may grow. To bring them in control, hormone therapy is used where the testosterone level is lowered, thus causing a hindrance in the path of the growth of the cancer cells. Chemotherapy- In simpler terms chemotherapy may also be said as the medications that are given orally or intravenously. Such drugs help stop the growth of tumors, thus halting the spread of cancer and curing you of it. Immunotherapy- This therapy comes into effect in the case of advanced prostate cancer. The body’s immune system helps to fight against cancerous cells. Thus this is how the treatment procedure is carried forward. Are there any side effects to the cancer treatment? Cancer is a very aggressive form of the disease. It just does not overpower you and infests your body, deriving nutrition from it, but it also slowly kills the person’s zeal to live. Cancer treatment helps to diminish the dangerous disease by putting a stop to the growth of cancer cells. Since the treatment is a break to such a life-threatening disease, therefore the potency of the treatment is also very high. Cancer treatment can be followed with a couple of side effects, but none outweigh its benefits. Living life with cancer decreases the functions of your body’s mechanism day by day. The only answer to the fatalities of the disease is to treat it. The methods mentioned above are effective, and when the best surgical oncologist in Gurgaon conducts the surgery, the procedure becomes safe too. The choice of treatment is made after evaluating a host of factors, including your overall health, the cancer stage, possibilities of the outcome of the disease, etc. Side effects that may come along with these treatments are as follows; Bowel movement problems. Infertility issues. Loss of bladder control. A significant factor to be kept in mind is that prostate cancer, only when detected early, has a higher success rate. This type of cancer is not very severe and can be treated significantly well. Prostate cancer does not spread quickly; therefore, it becomes even easier to treat the disease, provided you can detect the signs and symptoms of prostate cancer in the initial stage. The signs include; Trouble urinating Blood in urine Blood in semen Erectile dysfunction Bone pain Unintentional weight loss If you face any of the symptoms, keep in mind to visit a good oncologist in Gurgaon and get an accurate diagnosis done. Your doctor will conduct the necessary tests and screenings to know the position of your health status. He will thereby introduce you to the treatment plan that will be customized only for you. Before choosing the appropriate treatment for you, you must choose the best oncologist in Gurgaon, India, so that your whole cancer treatment journey becomes more manageable and successful. In this period, make sure you remain surrounded by your close and loved ones. Keep good care of your health and try to stay as positive as you can. Always remember that a good beginning of life starts with a healthy state of both mind and body. Being calm and controlled will benefit your health status as well as in your cancer treatment. The journey after a cancer diagnosis can be nerve-wracking, but this is not the end of the road to good health. With proper guidance and expert help from professionals like Dr. Kaushal Yadav, you will be able to traverse through this path, giving a boost to your survival instinct. Contact the best Cancer doctor in Gurgaon! Dr. Kaushal Yadav is an extensively trained cancer surgeon in Gurgaon, India with exceptional skills. An alumini of MS (Surgery) from PGIMS, Rohtak, Haryana, India. Presently he is working as Senior Consultant Surgical Oncology at Narayna Superspeciality Hospital, Gurugram.

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Surgical oncology best and most effective treatment for cancer.

The Power of Cancer Surgery: A Ray of Hope in the Fight Against Cancer

Introduction There is no denial to fact thar surgery plays a critical role in the fight against this formidable disease. Cancer surgery is a powerful weapon in the comprehensive treatment approach. Cancer is a complex and multifaceted illness that can manifest in various forms throughout the body. However, with early detection and innovative surgical techniques, we can make great strides in the battle against cancer. Surgical Oncology Surgery is best chance of cure in most of solid organ tumors. It’s a fct that 80% of cancer patients will require surgery during their course of disease yet only 25% were able to receive safe and effective surgery in time. Roles played by Surgical Oncologist include but not limited to: Diagnosis and staging of cancer in most accurate way Resection of cancer with adequate margins and lymph nodes to achieve best possible cure Prophylactic surgery in hereditary syndromes Surgery for limited operable metastatic disease Relief of symptoms and maintaining quality of life Oncosurgery is curative in intent, cost effective and has shorter treatment duration compared to other treatments. Surgical Oncology is an integral part of multidisciplinary tumor board meeting, and its approaches should be discussed with each patient. Surgical oncologists should lead multidisciplinary teams in care of majority of solid tumours. Types of Cancer Surgeries Cancer surgery encompasses a wide range of procedures, each tailored to the specific type of cancer and its stage. Some common types of cancer surgeries include: Head & Neck Oncosurgery: This surgery aims to remove tumors in the head and neck region, often associated with cancers of the mouth, throat, and larynx. This type of surgery requires precision and expertise to ensure the preservation of essential functions like speech and swallowing, Breast Oncosurgery: It involves the removal of breast tumors, either through lumpectomy or mastectomy, depending on the extent of the cancer. Gynae Oncosurgery: This surgery focuses on cancers affecting the female reproductive system, including ovarian, cervical, and uterine cancers. Gastrointestinal Oncosurgery: It targets cancers in the gastrointestinal tract, such as stomach, liver, pancreas, gall bladder, colon, and rectal cancers. Genitourinary Oncosurgery: This surgery addresses cancers in the genitourinary system, including prostate, bladder, and kidney cancers. Thoracic Oncosurgery: It deals with cancers in the chest region, such as lung cancer and esophageal cancer. Bone and Soft Tissue Sarcoma Surgery Innovative Advancements in Surgical Techniques Surgical techniques have come a long way in the fight against cancer. With advancements in technology, surgeons can now perform minimally invasive procedures, resulting in smaller incisions, less pain, and faster recovery times. One innovative technique is robotic-assisted surgery, where a surgeon controls a robotic system to perform complex procedures with precision. This technology allows for greater accuracy and flexibility, ultimately improving patient outcomes. Sentinel lymph node biopsy helps in limiting dissection of desired lymph nodes only. From more radical to conservation surgery and limited surgery to most extensive cytoreductive HIPEC surgeries, oncosurgeons are helping the society in best possibles unparallel ways.  The Importance of Post-Operative Care Post-operative care is crucial for a successful recovery after cancer surgery. It involves monitoring the patient’s progress, managing pain, and addressing any complications that may arise. Rehabilitation programs may also be recommended to help patients regain their strength and mobility. Support from healthcare professionals, friends, and family is essential during this time. Mental and emotional well-being can greatly impact the recovery process, and having a strong support system can provide the necessary encouragement and positivity. Conclusion In the face of cancer, hope is a powerful ally. Cancer surgery, along with other treatment modalities, offers a ray of hope for patients battling this disease. Early detection, the different types of cancer surgeries, innovative advancements in surgical techniques, and post-operative care all play crucial roles in the fight against cancer. Join us to understand cancer surgery and spread optimism to those in need. Remember, together, we can overcome even the most formidable challenges.

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